Open the sections below to see a brief description of each video and a link to view it
RJ Hypnotherapy Audio
advice for clinicians treating rj
Mark offers some advice to clinicians .
Why am I not getting better?
Mark looks at 'secondary gains' and how spotting them can help.
rj, the golden rule for recovery
Mark presents the golden rule for RJ recovery.
The five areas of RJ fixation
Mark discusses the five areas those with RJ tend to fixate on.
what non RJers need to be reminded of.
The very nature of this condition is that it happens in relationships, usually where only one is the sufferer.
Retroactive jealousy and Domestic abuse - is there a link?
An important question. If you have the slightest idea this may be a factor, you should watch this.
Is RJ the best name for your condition?
A brief exploration with Mark
What kind of person suffers with RJ?
Is there an RJ type, and do you meet the description?
Why no-one you talk to has heard of RJ?
Where RJ stands as a medical/psychiatric diagnosis
How long does it take to recover from RJ?
Yes, people do recover when they get the right help and have the determination to stick with a recovery programme.
Why some people don't recover from RJ
A look at the phenomenon of secondary gains - what positive side effects is your RJ giving you? Are you fearing intimacy?
More on blocks to RJ recovery
Gwendoline looks at how magical thinking and the pursuit of an easy fix prevent many from accessing the deep and lasting benefits of specialist psychotherapy.
Can medication help RJ?
We look at whether there is a place for SSRIs (anti-depressants) and other pharmaceutical treatments in RJ recovery
Guidance for partners of RJ sufferers
Golden rules to preserve your own sanity and support your loved one from pain and obsession to peace and serenity.
Support services for partners of rj sufferers
How you can access our free support forum.
RJ and adhd
What if you have both conditions, how do they inter-relate?
an offbeat look at how RJ often comes with other problems
Mark meets with some ‘friends’ to talk about monsters like depression and anxiety disorders. Who ya gonna call?
COPING with a partners disclosure of childhood sexual abuse part 1
Something very delicate, difficult and painful for anyone but add RJ into the mix and it’s doubly distressing. Gwendoline talks about how this can be made easier
how to ACCESS additional rj videos on patreon
Another resource where you can interact with the team and request video replies to your specific questions.
what is psychotherapy?
Retr-act is one of only a few, if not the only, specialist RJ service that employs qualified psychotherapists. But what exactly is Psychotherapy, and how does it differ from counselling?
What is neurodiversity?
’ND’ can complicate and exacerbate RJ and, when unrecognised, can hinder recovery. Watch to see if you signs of undiagnosed ND conditions.
Autism, ADHD and sex
A more specific look at how Neurodiversity can affect sexuality and attitudes to gender and relationships for those who have identified having these conditions.
twelve step recovery groups, including codependency
There may be a link between codependency and RJ, in which case Codependents Anonymous could help. First it is important to know how best to engage in this, and similar programmes.
some useful books, candidly reviewed.
how to make a YouTube account
Just in case you have any trouble setting up a YouTube account, here is a useful guide.
Three videos by Leo gura
These are worth watching. This is Leo Gura, who has a unique way of presenting information. While this is more about general jealousy than it is about retro-active jealously, there is a lot of relevant and useful information here.
1. How to deal with strong emotions.
2. How to stop comparing yourself to others.
3. How to stop being jealous.
Sexual jealousy, dr c ryan
Dr. Christopher Ryan discusses jealousy and infidelity in the documentary why not watch the full length trailer at
Borderline personality disorder and rj
This looks at some RJ symptoms in the context of Borderline Personality Disorder (aka Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder).
While I'm not sure I agree that BPD leads to RJ, I think this video describes RJ thinking and RJ behaviours really well. More importantly, she talks about how you can make it better or worse depending on how you respond to the irrational thoughts.
While I'm not sure I agree that BPD leads to RJ, I think this video describes RJ thinking and RJ behaviours really well. More importantly, she talks about how you can make it better or worse depending on how you respond to the irrational thoughts.
Tim minchin. if i didn't have you.
Maybe Tim's razor sharp wit can help toward understanding.
John Lennon. Jealous Guy.
No library concerning Jealousy would be complete without this.
amygdala hijacking
This guided hypnosis/meditation may help with anxiety.